During my years of suffering with eczema, I’ve tried many strategies. For a long time, I consistently did online research and attempted a DIY approach to managing my condition, usually reading articles and online discussions. I discovered some really helpful bloggers, many of whom have functional eczema clinics, but I didn’t use their services. I just read articles, listened to podcasts, and watched YouTube videos.
Many approaches helped temporarily before I found myself back at square one, searching for the next thing. I also indiscriminately tried supplements, figuring they’re all natural, without checking with my doctor first. Here are just some of my experiences with strategies that other people credited for their healing:
None of these ideas are “bad” or really hurt to try. Even if they made my eczema worse, they taught me what didn’t work and eventually led me to a functional clinic. However, I wish I hadn’t gone through all those years of suffering while struggling to take something on by myself that I didn’t have the tools to master on my own.
The biggest lesson I learned, which I want to share with anyone who suffers from eczema, is this: We’re each unique, and each of us is a little bit different when it comes to our condition’s root cause(s) and individual treatment needs.
When I was working with my eczema clinic of choice, getting one-on-one help with protocols, these aspects an individualized approach led to significant healing for me:
If you have eczema or know someone who does, remember that each person is unique and deserves individualized treatment. It’s the only way to get to the bottom of skin issues, particularly if you haven’t found a “magical cure” or “quick fix” or if what you’re currently doing feels unsustainable for you.
Here are my do’s and don’ts for eczema treatment:
These days, my rule of thumb is to take any advice with a grain of salt and instead focus on myself and my own needs. This has helped me find the right kind of help for my individual case and finally know that help really is out there. I hope you find what works for you!
On MyEczemaTeam, members discuss eczema from a specific point of view. Would you like to share your personal story to help others living with eczema? You can learn more about this paid writing opportunity from MyEczemaTeam here.
Members’ articles don’t reflect the opinions of MyEczemaTeam staff, medical experts, partners, advertisers, or sponsors. Content on MyEczemaTeam isn’t intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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