Why did it take me years to figure out that I needed to take action on all my eczema healing dreams?
I think some of us who suffer from eczema need to focus on waging an inner revolution — to start actually caring about ourselves because we are suffering and are worth the investment in getting help, without worrying about what others think about us or our eczema, without worrying about offending the doctors by trying something else too, and by deciding that spending the money is worth it.
I know I’m not the only person guilty of spending years of my life looking at functional eczema specialists online, thinking, “I wish I could try that, but …”
“But I don’t have the money right now,” “but my family would think I’m crazy,” etc. — I silently had those thoughts without deciding to advocate for myself. At times, I’d casually mention my idea to family members, who’d say things like “That costs a lot of money” or make other skeptical comments.
At the end of the day, it’s not their life — it’s mine. I’m the one suffering. I deserve to try anything I want to try. This year, after an especially extreme situation from reacting to hemp protein powder, I knew it was time. I had to decide that I’m taking responsibility for my health.
For years, I’ve been eyeing a functional clinic online that specializes in eczema, and I finally signed up and am going through the protocol. This protocol will take at least eight months, and it’s addressing a number of issues found in my gut during a gastrointestinal test, which no doctor had ever had me do before.
Meanwhile, I still have my doctors — and my trusty steroid.
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I share your thoughts. Everything I try at first it's a miracle then I'm worse. Now I have the hives all the time.